Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand lead celebrity reactions to Trump Biden debate – Music News

Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand led the superstar reactions to this week’s Trump-Biden debate.

The divas, and others, took to their social media accounts to precise their views after the primary presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden forward of this 12 months’s American federal election.

“All my buddies are taking their blood strain drugs now, making ready for the talk,” Bette, 78, wrote on X/Twitter, forward of the face-off. “I ponder what number of TV screens are going to be damaged tonight?”

Because the televised debate came about, Bette referred to as out 78-year-old Donald’s remarks, writing, “My God, the best way this f**ker lies. It is simply astonishing,” and,”Each phrase out of his mouth is a lie. Each single phrase.”

In the meantime, Barbra, 82, argued the talk had little to do with governance, writing, “Debates should not governing. They’re about televised theatrics. Biden is achieved at governing. He’s skilled and has achieved a terrific deal.”

Horror author Stephen King, 76, felt the talk was cheapened politics, writing, “DEBATE NIGHT IN AMERICA! Candy Jesus! The networks are packaging this as leisure, like a boxing match, and promoting democracy down the river. It is a disgrace.”

Star Wars star Mark Hamill, 72, had low expectations forward of the occasion. “Protecting my expectations low for this debate contemplating the spotlight final time was “Will you shut up, man?!”” he wrote.

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